Helium 10 Frankenstein: How to Make the Best Keyword Selection?

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Want to make your Amazon products stand out? There is Helium 10 Frankenstein, which is a tool that helps you find the best keywords to improve your product listing.

In this review, I’ll look at how Frankenstein can boost your sales by making your products easier to find on Amazon. We’ll explore its features and how it can help your business succeed.

Let’s take a closer look at how Helium 10 Frankenstein can help you dominate Amazon!

What is Helium 10 Frankenstein?

Helium 10 Frankenstein is a helpful tool for Amazon sellers. It takes big lists of keywords and makes them easier to use.

Instead of spending lots of time sorting through keywords by hand, Frankenstein does it for you. It helps your product listings stand out more on Amazon.

About Helium 10 Frankenstein

Frankenstein is really powerful. It helps sellers do well on Amazon, reach more people, and make more money. Basically, it’s a helpful tool that sellers can use to find the right keywords to make their Amazon listings better.

With Frankenstein, you can quickly find the best keywords from a big list. Plus, when you use it with other Helium 10 tools like Cerebro, Magnet, and Scribbles, it makes keyword research and listing products even easier.

How Does Helium 10 Frankenstein Work?

Helium 10 Frankenstein is a handy tool for organizing long lists of keywords. With just one click, you can tidy up your keyword list in different ways:

  • Sort them by popularity
  • Get rid of special characters or numbers
  • Remove any duplicate keywords
  • Replace specific search terms
  • Keep numbers and more.

Having a neat and organized list of keywords helps you figure out which ones to use in your product listings.

How Do You Get Keywords and Sort Through The Results?

To make your Amazon product listings better, you need to know what words customers use to find products like yours. Helium 10 has tools like Cerebro and Magnet that give you lots of these words. But it can be too many to handle.

That’s where Frankenstein comes in. It helps you organize and pick the best words for your listings and ads.

Here’s how it works:

Get Lots of Keywords: First, you need to gather lots of words related to your product. You can use tools like Cerebro to see what keywords your competitors use. It also looks at Amazon’s bestseller lists to find more ideas. Magnet is another tool that finds trending keywords in your market.

Combine Keywords: You put all these words into Frankenstein. It helps you organize them and remove any duplicates or irrelevant words.

Filter the Keywords: Frankenstein has filters that help you narrow down the list. For example, you can remove duplicate words or choose which words to keep based on popularity.

Adjust Settings: You can change how the keywords are filtered and see how often each word appears in your list. You can also remove ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) if needed.

Export Keywords: Once you have the best keywords, you can export them to Helium 10 Scribbles. This tool helps you write better product titles, descriptions, and bullet points for your listings.

Features of Helium 10 Frankenstein

Helium 10’s Frankenstein is a tool that quickly organizes and cleans up lists of keywords, whether they’re small or really big. It does this in just a few seconds, saving you from spending hours doing it manually.

In simple terms, Frankenstein makes life easier for Amazon sellers by helping them manage their keywords effortlessly.

Features of Helium 10 Frankenstein

Here are some of its great features:

1. Keyword Phrase Generator

With Helium 10 Frankenstein, you can put in lots of keywords and see how they can be used in different ways. It’s like mixing and matching to create new phrases with just one click.

This tool is handy because it helps you find new phrases from a big list of keywords. For example, if you have many keywords about “running shoes,” Frankenstein can show you different combinations like “shoes for runners” or “buy new shoes online.”

It’s great if you want to come up with new lists of keywords but don’t know where to start. You can give Frankenstein lots of keywords, and it’ll help you find new phrases you might not have thought of before.

2. Robust Filtering

One of the best things about Helium 10 Frankenstein is its strong filters.

These filters help you clean up your keyword list by getting rid of common or useless words, like single letters or numbers. They also help you organize your data in different ways.

The filtering feature is super helpful when you’re trying to make a list of words and phrases for your product listings. By getting rid of words you don’t need, you can focus on the ones that will help your products show up better in searches and reach more people.

Frankenstein’s filters are really flexible, so it’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. You can filter by things like word length or type and even make your own filters based on what you need.

Some of the most helpful filters are “Remove Common Words,” “Remove Duplicates,” and “Remove Special Characters.”

3. Copy & Paste

No matter how you clean up your list of keywords, you can easily copy and paste the results for later.

You can also send the keyword list to Helium 10 Scribbles to improve your product listings right away. This makes your work faster and easier, all in one place.

Helium 10 Frankenstein is a helpful tool for making keywords better. But it doesn’t work alone. You can use it with other Helium 10 tools like Cerebro, Magnet, and Scribbles to find keywords and make your product listings better.

Benefits of Helium 10 Frankenstein

The Helium 10 Frankenstein keyword research tool saves you and your team a lot of time that can be used more productively.

1. Clean Up Massive Keyword Lists in Minutes

Frankenstein is like a magic tool that cleans up big lists of keywords for you with just one click.

It helps you find the best words and phrases that match what you’re selling.

It can also show you other phrases related to your products that you might not have thought of before.

Using the right keywords in your listings is super important because it helps you show up higher in Amazon searches and make more money.

So, with Frankenstein, you can make your listings better and earn more profit!

2. Flexible Settings

Helium 10 Frankenstein has settings that let you control how your keywords are organized, so you can get the best results every time you search for keywords.

It also has a smart system that quickly cleans up your list of keywords. You can remove duplicate words, get rid of small words like “a” or “the,” and more.

You can mix and match these filters in lots of different ways. Then, you can easily save or copy-paste your new list of keywords.

3. Comprehensive Results

Frankenstein gives you lots of information about your keywords, so you can pick the best ones for your product listings.

For example, it can show you which words people use the most when they search for a certain product.

You should try to use these popular words as much as you can in your listings. This helps your products show up better in searches and rank higher.

Cost of Helium 10 Frankenstein and the Different Plans Available

Helium 10 Frankenstein offers a 30-day trial for free. But if you want to use all its features, like importing keywords from Excel, you’ll need to pay.

The prices start at $99 per month and can go up if you want other Helium 10 tools.

You can access Frankenstein with Helium 10’s Platinum and Diamond plans. If you’re just starting out, you can try it for free for 30 days.

How to Use Helium 10 Frankenstein?

Once you’ve signed up for a plan, you can start using Helium 10 Frankenstein right away. Here’s how:

Choose a Tool: Go to the Helium 10 dashboard and pick Frankenstein. If you already have a list of keywords, you can go straight to Frankenstein. But if you don’t, you can use other tools like Magnet or Cerebro to generate some keywords first.

Input Your Keywords: On the Frankenstein dashboard, you can type in your keywords manually. Or, if you’re on a paid plan, you can upload a list of keywords from your computer.

Customize Your Settings: Adjust the settings to get the results you want. You can change these settings later if you need to.

Process Your Keywords: Click the “Process” button and wait for your list of keywords to be refined.

View Your Results: Your refined keywords will appear on the right side of the screen. You can organize them alphabetically, by length, or by how often they’re used. When you’re happy with the results, you can copy and paste them into Excel or export them to Scribbles to use in your product listings.

That’s it! You’re ready to use your newly refined keywords to improve your Amazon listings.

Quick Links:

The Takeaway

In summary, Helium 10 Frankenstein is a helpful tool for organizing large lists of keywords by removing repetitive words and unimportant phrases.

It works well when used with other Helium 10 tools and makes it easy to improve your Amazon product listings. If you’re looking to make your keyword research better, Frankenstein can be a useful option for you.

Roshan Jha

Roshan Jha is a creative SEO editor at Gizmobase who loves to talk about online shopping, dropshipping, and what's new in the market. He's got a knack for writing stuff that's easy to read and really useful, especially for online stores. He's great at mixing up storytelling with some smart digital tips, making his advice super helpful for freelancers and marketers. Roshan's way of explaining things is super clear and friendly, making tricky topics easy for everyone to get.

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