ROI Calculator

Return on Investment Calculator
Total Gain on Investment
Return on Investment (ROI)
Simple Annual (ROI)
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)

An ROI calculator is a type of investment calculator that lets you figure out how much money you will make or lose on your investment. You can also use our ROI calculator to compare how well a few different investments work.

So, when making a financial decision, the ROI formula will be useful. If you know how to calculate ROI, it’s easier to guess how an investment will turn out.

What is ROI stands for “return on investment.”?

First of all, you should know that ROI means “return on investment.” ROI is the ratio of the net gain of an investment to the net cost of that investment.

In other words, the return on investment (ROI) is the ratio of the net income from the investment to the net costs of the investment. ROI is usually given in terms of percentage points. So, when a calculation gives a return on investment (ROI) of 0.1, financial analysts say that ROI = 10%.

ROI is one of the most common ways to figure out how an investment will affect the economy, along with other simple metrics of profitability (NPV, IRR, payback period). Its main benefit is that it is easy to understand.

Return on investment (ROI) can be used to measure how profitable an investment is because it is based on data that is easy to find and understand. Also, since ROI is given as a percentage, it is easy to compare the results of different investments. So, return on investment (ROI) lets you choose the best option.

Before we talk more about ROI, it’s important to note that the term “return on investment” can mean a number of different financial measures. ROI could be used to talk about things like Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), Average Rate of Return, Return on Equity, or Earnings per Share. Simple return on investment, or simply return on investment, is probably the most well-known and widely used metric (ROI).

By the way, it’s important to note that because language can be vague, it’s best to know exactly how ROI is calculated before using it to make decisions in the real world. We also think that there is just one more reason for you to read our whole post. How Hard It Is to Apply

ROI can be used to figure out how profitable a business is, that much is true. But because it can be used in so many ways, it can be hard to use correctly. The ROI calculation is simple, but the real problem is that people don’t understand how to define “cost” and/or “gain,” as well as the differences between them.

For example, investor A might figure out the return on investment for a possible real estate investment by adding up the cost of capital, taxes, and insurance. Investor B, on the other hand, might just use the purchase price. Investor A can figure out the return on investment for a stock by taking capital gains taxes into account, but Investor B can’t.

Also, does a ROI calculation include all cash flows in between the first and last ones, or just the first and last ones? Different investors figure out ROI in different ways.

The most important thing about ROI is that it can be done at any time. Think about an investor who has to choose between a diamond that will give them a 1,000% return on their money and a piece of land that will give them a 50% return on their money. At first glance, the diamond seems like the clear winner, but is this still the case if the ROI for the diamond is calculated over 50 years and the ROI for the land is calculated over several months?

This is why ROI is a good place to start when looking at investments, but you need to add other, more precise metrics to it.

How to find out the return on investment?

Investors can’t figure out how well their investments are working unless they know how to calculate return on investment (ROI). Because of this, the ROI formula is so important when deciding how to spend money.

The formula for return on investment uses two pieces of information: the return on investment and the cost of investment. Here’s how to figure out the return on investment (ROI):

ROI = (G – C) / C


G: Return on investment
C – investment cost

Annual Return on Investment

The ROI Calculator has a field for “Investment Time” so that this flaw can be fixed by using an annualised ROI, which is usually a better rate for comparing things.

When comparing the results of two calculator calculations, the annualised ROI number is often more important than the ROI number. The diamond vs. land example above shows why this is the case.

In reality, investment risk and other factors are not taken into account in the ROI rate. This means that while a higher annualised ROI is preferable, it is not unusual for investments with a lower ROI to be chosen because they are less risky or have other benefits. ROI is hard to measure in many situations, like when advertising a product. Most of the time, the marginal sales benefit or brand recognition is used to figure out the ROI in these situations.

Return on investment (ROI) vs. Return on equity (ROE) (ROI)

Return on investment (ROI) and return on equity (ROE) are often confused with each other, so it’s important to talk about how they’re the same and how they’re different.


First of all, both ROI and ROE are basic ways to figure out how profitable an investment really is. Return on investment (ROI) and return on equity (ROE) are single-period measures that don’t have the same value over the whole investment term. Also, neither of these warning signs has a risk factor. Also, neither ROI nor ROE can explain TVM (which you can learn more about using our time value of money calculator).


The main difference between ROI and ROE is that ROI looks at the total amount spent on investments, including both own capital and borrowed money, while ROE only looks at own capital.